Originally from Canada, Bartek has spent his career building consumer apps, having worked at Amazon, Tuenti, and most recently as the CPO of Glovo. As a parent and driven by parents who share similar concerns, he is passionately committed to finding a solution to the unfulfilled need for safe spaces where kids can communicate. "Our goal is to build something that makes a profound positive impact on families and societies around the world"
Jordi has witnessed firsthand the negative effects of social networks on children both personally and professionally. His sister’s children were exposed to harmful content, and during his time at Instagram and Snapchat in Silicon Valley, he observed these companies’ reluctance to address such issues. Drawing from his extensive experience, Jordi is now dedicated to creating a messaging platform that fosters healthy interactions between kids.
Joey is special - built on top of an ethical framework, it creates a safe space that supports, not replaces, real-life interactions. Finally, a messaging app that prioritises the development of healthy social communication skills